Trent Hunter
An Arts Practice for Everyday Life
My project applies the theoretical notion of the tactic, as defined by Michel de Certeau in The Practice of Everyday Life, as a model for art practice. Beginning with images of cut and patched sidewalks, I propose art-making as a way to respond to the accidental and unconsidered aspects of the built world. I try a number of different approaches to a tactical art-making, evaluating each attempt against de Certeau’s descriptions of tactical and strategic operations. With each approach, I encounter paradoxes and contradictions, and ultimately conclude that artwork can never be solely tactical. In spite of these difficulties, de Certeau’s ideas successfully facilitate the development of a broad artistic practice. My final series of work proposes site-specificity as a way to contain the strategic authority that artwork exerts, and begins to look to Gilles Deleuze’s notion of the diagram as a way for my practice to move forward.