Seb Pines
Penning the Ghosts of Ourselves
Penning the Ghosts of Ourselves: An Exploration Into Spectral Play presents my experiments into the creation of spectres through autobiographical game design. This supplemental document explores my interdisciplinary process in game design, creative writing, and book illustration and design which resulted in the physical publication of the solo role-playing game in Dwelling. In Penning the Ghosts of Ourselves, I present the research, documentation, and reflection on this process of self-interment through autobiography, as it is undertaken through both players of Dwelling, and myself as its creator.
Dwelling the game is a role-playing game and short story for one. Taking on the role of the embodied narrator you will wander through your new strange home at night, conjuring spectres and finding they summon parts of your past along with them. Read, write, and draw in this curated solitary experience of a sleepless night in a haunted house.
Keywords: hauntology, role-playing games, book work, creative writing, narrative design, game design
Website links: themonstrous.me