Rita Camacho Lomelí

Parts and Wholes, the Gift

Parts and Wholes, the Gift is a thesis project consisting of written scholarship and a series of interventionist, performative projects that investigate how the gift manifests in art practices and our everyday experiences. In Parts and Wholes, the Gift the work of art, as if a gift, is discussed through a variety of lenses. These include its paradoxical nature as labour and its challenge as an autonomous act, to the sociopolitical culture of capitalized economy, by living in the economy of the useful as a superflous act, surpassing it and making it work. In Parts and Wholes, the Gift I focus on potential frameworks and methodologies to understand ways of being together. It is an inquiry into the recognition that the work of art belongs to no one and that the artist is the channel
through whom a work of art is given back to all.
