Iveta Karpathyova
Rotoscoping Design for Bodily Technique and Interdisciplinary Research on Animation as Embodied Practice
My research was framing traditional animation as a design tool for documenting embodied knowledge but also as an embodied practice in itself. Through the process of frame by frame sequential interpretation, as an animator I was able to analyze real pre-filmed motion and bodily work of various practitioners engaged in embodied research through their practice of kung fu and latin dance. Using my own performance in Phases of Dance, I manually rendered movement at 12 frames per second and approached rotoscoping as design process that allowed me to analyze, document and communicate aspects of visual expression, performance and technique in my bachata dance practice. Through reflecting on the interdisciplinary connections in modes of learning my three bodily practices of animation, dancing and martial arts, the thesis furthered research on the role of embodiment in the production of knowledge.
Keywords: Traditional animation, rotoscoping, documentation, embodiment, technique, body, dance, bachata, martial arts, kung fu
Website: http://www.ivetaka.com/