Elizabeth Lopez

Traces: Here/Not Here

Traces: Here/Not Here endeavors to put a positive spin on our mortality. We are here, and at some point we will no longer be here: by virtue of living, we will die - but what do we do with this time we have? This body of research creation is about life; about our time-limited lifetimes, our experience of it, and about the effects of our actions. It is about the affect of our interconnectivity with each other, human and non-human, animate and inanimate. By way of interactive artworks featuring playful and dynamic sculptures which must be activated by the physical effort of the artist, a collaborator or a visitor/participant, a durational performance is experienced leaving indexical marks, prompting mindful consideration of our inter-connectedness, and injecting optimism that we can use this opportunity to act for what matters most to each one of us.
Through a reflexive practice-led methodology, augmented by literature reviews of theorists, critical thinkers, artists, and art historians, the research investigates the themes of time, Posthuman interconnectedness, as well as investigating participatory and ludic art, which activates the body and the special knowledge creation centered there.

website: www.elizabethlopez.ca

Instagram: @zabtime

Detail of Spinning through Life (ashes) - video below

Detail of Spinning through Life (ashes) - video below
