Claudia Mandler McKnight

Coming to my senses / Following the shore

Coming to my senses / Following the shore is a practice-led inquiry into the anima of place, specifically the littoral (shoreline) wetlands of Bone Island, Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay is the eastern arm of Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada. Using evocative autoethnography as a methodology, the thesis and accompanying exhibition examine my life-long associations with the Cognashene area, and chart my deepening understanding of its complicated history and its native flora and fauna. First-hand experiences of nature, engaging with the physical energies of the forces which shape a place, are essential to my research. A braided theoretical framework of biophilia, phenomenology, biopoesie, art therapy, ecotherapy, Deep Listening, mindfulness, and Indigenous knowledge informs my work. By exploring the natural world’s restorative effects, I chart how my art process has been my medicine and hope in the face of life-threatening illness, COVID, and personal loss and grief. This journey might demonstrate an alternate path for others experiencing similar challenges. My research findings are presented in the form of a mixed media exhibition of paintings, photographs, poetry, audio, and video recordings, as well as an installation of material gathered from nature.

Keywords: Anima, Georgian Bay, autoethnography, mindfulness, Deep Listening, Indigenous knowledges, art therapy, ecotherapy, phenomenology, poetry, painting, photography, installation
