Brette Gabel

Abandoned Homes and Haunted Houses

This paper explores my studio practice and the development of work for the show Abandoned Homes and Haunted Houses. Throughout this paper I will address the ‘house’ and ‘home’ as a concept, space and object that is anthropomorphized as it works through a lifecycle. My work explores how a ‘house’ can become a ‘home’ then over time become a ‘house’ again, and so on. Within this project I use a 20th century kit home as a model for an iconic ‘house’ to explore the notion of the double. In this paper I will connect these concepts to the work I have created and to my studio process. Finally I will connect notions of comfort and discomfort to my use of fabric and craft practices by considering what is communicated through these mediums. Fabric relates to construction and relates closely to the lifecycle of the house that I am exploring through my work.