Benjamin Edelberg

Its Teeth in His Body, Out of 60 Dogs

“Its Teeth in His Body, Out of 60 Dogs” studies how visual resignification, reassemblage and the process of cut-up intersect in profound ways with queer theory and gender theory. The main theoretical underpinning of my project is Rosalind Krauss’ concept of the visual index where any reproduced image’s inherent message can be resignified or reactivated when it is placed next to other visual referents. I am interested in how the queer artist’s process of selection, cut-up and resignification can create a unique identity outside of received institutional codifications and stereotypes as described by Michel Foucault and Judith Butler. This identity embodies Lee Edelman’s concept of queer “jouissance,” when the queer overwhelms or cut-ups these cultural assemblages by creating an intervention that involves pure enjoyment or eroticism. This process of externalizing jouissance through cut-up will articulate how these disparate materials can be reassembled into a distinctly queer identity.
