Andy Fabo
Delirious at the Borderlines: Limit Experience and the (Im)Possibilities of Representation
In the series Delirious at the Borderlines I ask how representational methods like montage, automatic drawing and historical referencing are best enlisted to portray a near catastrophic health crisis. Bataille, and Blanchot sparked my interest in the extreme limits of experience demarcating the gap between delirium and reality, the transgressive and normative, and of life and death. I deploy the works of artists Felix Gonzalez-Torres and David Wojnarowicz, and authors with multivalent positions regarding aporias, unsolvable riddles. They illuminate my exploration of contested liminal zones and the alterity of the constituents of such nether-worlds – immigrants, heretics, incubi, the infirm, and AIDS patients. Theories of adaptation and translation informed by Linda Hutcheon and Jacques Derrida were deployed to elucidate methods of intertextuality (literary and visual) and the palimpsestuous (formal and art historical). These strategies are manifest in my digital scrollworks and drawings as they interrogate the (im)possibility of death and its representation.