Andrew Zealley

Disco Hospital

I say a scientist cannot be a therapist. Treatment is the work of artists and poets. If you are not that, you cannot cure (Jodorowsky 240). Disco Hospital is an investigation of sound and non-Western healing practices. This investigation emphasizes experiential and healing processes, not just outcomes. Themes are viewed through the lens of queer theory, rhetoric, and perspectives. In this paper, I argue that HIV/AIDS and immune disorders can be understood as metaphors for the collapse of identity. More than an investigation of healing, Disco Hospital is a healing act in and of itself. This act signifies the current chapter of healing in my life and is marked by HIV disclosure. This marker offers deeply personalized insights to the investigation’s HIV/AIDS metaphor. Disco Hospital investigates evidence specific to male homosexual shamans in diverse regional, historical, and cultural settings—and contemporary representations of healing and queer identities in the arts and HIV/AIDS community — and thereby suggests that indigenous shamanic healing may be less dependent on geographical identity and embedded more in the ontological specificities of queer seeing and being. You are reading Disco Hospital: Manual. Please proceed to Admissions.
