Andrew Kostjuk

TR/\NQU1L[1Z3D] B0D13S: TH3 [P0ST] P0ST – M0RT3M C0ND1T10N

Tranquil[ized] Bodies: The [Post] Post-Mortem Condition is an examination of time, space, and place of being relating to the mindfulness of the body and mortality in the contemporary moment. The fully integrated human being is characterized by the ability to stand in the face of adversity and move towards the unknown, testing one’s will to live. This project is focused on highlighting a vital, metaphysical exercise of confrontation and contemplation with mortality through static, kinetic, interactive sculpture and installation, based within an industrial-organic aesthetic. Creating an immersive experience with mortality as a means to awaken the stagnant body and being, Tranquil[ized] Bodies investigates the human being’s disengagement with life, authenticity, and meaning through abject theory, embodiment and metaphor. In this document, I argue that the confrontation and contemplation with mortality is the essential pathway to the refinement of the self. The function of confrontation and contemplation mirrors my own experience as a person with a permanent illness, drawing upon my three brushes with death, to explore interaction with the unknown as a means to live mindfully.

Keywords: Reflexivity, A/r/tography, Body, Embodiment, Being, Mortality, Sculpture, Installation, Metaphor, Pathology, Horror, Abject, Mouldmaking, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics, Morals
