Alexis Boyle
Mischief and Curiosity as Survival Strategies in the Super-modern World.
My thesis exhibition, Tunnel Vision, is the culmination of a series of investigations into the “non-places” of supermodernity that Marc Augé has described in his writing. In this work, I seek to engage viewers in a tactile, sensory experience that may serve to combat the alienation of disembodied social relations. I use humour as an invitation to establish connections with people through playful and interactive artistic propositions. My works draw attention to human needs for physical exploration and social exchanges and I hope that connecting with viewers as they engage with my work will provide moments of temporary collectivity. My theoretical investigations have delved into the possibilities of readjusting people’s experiences of space and the literature that I address includes De Certeau and Jeffrey Hou’s writing about inventive human behaviour and appropriations of space that react to societal constraints and imbalances of power.