Alda Avril Escareño Infante

The Joy of Laser Cutting: Using recipes and food to teach digital manufacturing

Laser cutters are powerful and versatile tools that can introduce significant untapped potential to creative practitioners. However, currently available learning materials for working with these machines are not designed with these users’ needs or interests in mind. To address this gap, I developed the Joy of Laser Cutting. This project uses recipes, food and visual language from the world of cookery as tools to reframe online DIY tutorials and appeal to creative practitioners. Interviews with artists and specialists who currently work with laser cutters were conducted to better understand the challenges and opportunities that this technology presents. Finally, workshops were held in which users engaged with the project to provide insights that fed back into the final design. This thesis identifies the importance of demystifying digital fabrication and presenting laser cutters as complex and imperfect mediums that offer users the opportunity to master them and expand their creative potential.

Keywords: Laser Cutting, Digital Fabrication, Rapid Prototyping, Cooking, Recipes, Food, Education, Tutorials, Joy, Fake Food, DIY, Maker, Cookies

